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We take an intersectional, trauma-informed, empowerment approach, placing a high importance on understanding the needs of survivors, including gender identity, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion nationality or citizenship status.



Stay up to date on CARE events throughout the year! Sign up for our newsletter here.


CARE advocates provide nonjudgmental support and resources for survivors of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking, and their significant others.

To make an appointment:

  • Call (831) 502-2273
    • If after hours, leave brief message with name and a safe number to call where we can identify as CARE.
  • Email the CARE office at care@ucsc.edu
  • Fill out an appointment request form.

For same-day support, please call our office at (831) 502-2273 to talk to a confidential advocate about your needs. Same-day appointments are available based on capacity.

For support outside of our office hours, please call Monarch Services 24/7 crisis line: 1-888-900-4232


Is your community/organization interested in learing more about CARE, or topics relating to sexual violence and dating/domestic violence?

CARE offers workshops that address these issues, and can also collaborate with your organization on specialized workshops or events!

Learn more about requesting presentations 老王翻墙最新版.


Does CARE have drop-in appointments available?
For same-day support, please call our office at (831) 502-2273 to talk to a confidential advocate about your needs. Same-day appointments are available based on capacity.

Click here for more FAQ's.



Confidentiality means CARE advocates will not share any information with Title IX, the police, parents, or anyone else without explicit permission. The only exceptions are instances of child abuse, elder or dependant abuse and imminent harm to self or others. This would be a discussion to express why the report must be made in those specific instances.

Meet the  CARE Team

 Kelsey Hoie Ferrell, 小白兔vpm官网
khf@ucsc.edu    831.459.1053
Jazmin Jauregui, CARE Advocate 
care_1@ucsc.edu    831.459.1746
狸猫Ⅴpn安卓CARE Advocate 
care_3@ucsc.edu    831.459.3874
Alison Hanson, CARE Prevention Education Coordinator 
care_2@ucsc.edu    831.459.2721
Yesenia Melgoza-Fernandez, nutsvp.net官网
care@ucsc.edu    831.502.2273



CARE is connected with a variety of campus, community, and national resources. Below are some of the offices and resources we collaborate with:

  • Title IX Office
  • Student Health Services
  • View More Resources


Standing in Solidarity with UCSC's Black & African-American Community